By Guest on Thursday, 14 March 2013
Category: Thought of the Day

IT Services Oxford

Computers and the City

This blog post is simply us sharing some of our recent inspiration of Oxford based business with you. Times have been difficult recently but we believe in a bright future. If you get overly sentimental then read no further!

We love Oxford for our business and hope to see it grow old alongside the historical city which is in itself ever changing and renewing it business landscape. As a growing company in Oxford we have come across many different IT services, and have even worked for a few of them ourselves. There are of course a plethora of businesses with a whole host of needs to support this economy which is part of what makes Oxford a wonderful place to be.

Oxford Community

Whilst we may all have different businesses with potentially competing strategies and different focus's it's nice to think that we are all part of the same business community whether IT based or otherwise.

Oxford IT Solutions

Recently we have been working with one company who needed an IT solution to their PCI DSS compliance issue. We were able to help advise and liaise between the client and their existing IT supplier. We worked out a solution that would integrate with their existing systems and that would beat the path of least resistance. Diversity and understanding is a great thing when everyone pulls together. All parties were extremely satisfied with the result.


So here's to the future of Oxford businesses and Bongo It Support, may we all grow old together.