By Guest on Thursday, 10 January 2013
Category: Social Networking

How To Set Up And Optimise A Pinterest Account For Business

How To Set Up Pinterest For My Business

Hi All, recently I have been asked by a few clients to help them with their current Pinterest accounts or to set up a new account for them. Why do they want to do this you may ask? It’s because they want to engage with their audience in a visual medium, drive more traffic to their site and/or make more sales. Pinterest is one of the fastest growing sites in history. To get an idea of who is using Pinterest and how it’s being used I’ll give you some stats:

OK so ask yourself this. Do the stats above appeal to me? Do I have (or could I have) a lot of great photos or graphics that relate to my business or products? Do I want to easily improve my web visibility? If the answer to one or all of these questions is YES then a Pinterest account is almost certainly for you. It really won’t take long to setup we promise but if you need our help just holla.

Ok so I want an account. How do I set it up for my business?

Follow this step by step guide!

You are now a Pinterest business user and you might be asking myself how do I optimise my account to increase traffic back to my site?

Ok so the good news is you have already done some of the optimisation when you set up the account. You have included the web address you want to drive traffic to in a prominent position and written a lovely description of your business using keywords about what you do or the benefits you provide to your customers. Well done, there is no bad news! Next:

Well that’s stage two complete, you are basically there now. So go knock ‘em dead! I suppose I should probably write a post about setting up and optimising a Facebook page for business now  Please share this post :-)

PS: Here’s a few social tools for you to have a look at

Market Me Suite Social Media management (we love this tool!)

Tweet Grader Look at stats by region

Twellow Pages a search directory

SocialOomph Social Media management

Hootsuite Social Media management