
BongoIT News

All the news, as it happens

Anyone Can Check Their Own SEO Hotspots

But do you check?

Well I don't know about you but I'm always interested to see what trusty old Google (yes we probably can say that about Google now. It's pretty old and clearly here to stay!) has to say about our company. So I often (at least once a week) ask myself these questions:

Is the information I find about us today still relevant?

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Facebook's Promote Feature

Ok so this is my first social media post on our new site. This post assumes that you have a company page set up on Facebook, if not and you need help just let us know. By the way we are in the process of designing a much better looking site so expect to see updates over the coming months, I digress!

So where is the promote feature on Facebook (FB)?

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  5845 Hits

  • At Bongo IT, we know that technology is increasingly dominant and crucial to maintaining business performance and productivity.

    Organisations should make sure they are making the right IT decisions for their current needs, whilst also planning for the future with flexible and scalable solutions.

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    Addressing issues such as computer hardware, broadband, data security, file sharing, compliance and more, we’ll help you build a plan and ensure you deploy the most cost-effective IT strategy for your company’s needs.