
BongoIT News

All the news, as it happens

The Mistakes You Can Make When Purchasing IT Hardware


The Mistakes You Can Make When Purchasing IT Hardware

When you are just starting your business, you have to make a lot of decisions, but none are as important as the sort of hardware you will need going forward. Making the wrong decisions and purchasing inappropriate hardware can be expensive and will give a bad user experience.

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  4401 Hits

How To Generate An App Password

screen6makeapppassword Make an app password

How To Make An App Password - Multi-factor Authentication

Generate App Password - Outlook Keeps Asking For A Password

Once 2 Factor Authorisation is turned on your Office Suite applications will (probably) start asking you to type in your password and verify it's really you once again. It is often the case that Outlook will be the first to not accept your normal password.

If Office Suite applications are not accepting your regular password try the following solution:

Go to https://portal.office.com and log in to your Office 365 account

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  4018 Hits

Add a shared mailbox to Outlook on the web


How to add a shared mailbox to Outlook Web App

What is a Shared Mailbox?

A Shared Mailbox is the best way for a group of people to monitor and send email from a generic email address like This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (i.e. not a named person). When a person in this group replies to an email it will appear to come from that shared address, not from the individual.

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  4515 Hits

How To Change The Retention Time For Recoverable Items


By Default Exchange (ergo Outlook) Will Move Deleted Items To Recoverable Items 30 Days From Date Of Deletion - 14 Days Later Those Items Are Gone For Good

You can change the recoverable items retention time by following these "simple" PowerShell commands...

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  52228 Hits

What are the benefits of using short term business finance for your IT purchases?


Bongo IT Has Partnered With iwoca To Provide Finance On IT Equipment And Installation

What are the benefits of using short term finance for your business?

Short term finance can help unlock your business potential through increased cash flow. Investing in your business can take some time to show the results; being able to spread the cost of your payments means you can keep your cash handy. Here are some of the key benefits of using short term finance for your business:

● Invest in the future - wasting labour hours with old or outdated equipment? Invest in efficiency with confidence.

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  4484 Hits

Can I buy a future proofed laptop or PC that will last 10 years?


We pose the question: is it possible to get a future proofed machine, that will last me the next 10 years? 

There are three aspects to this, hardware, software, and warranty. 


As you are probably painfully aware software changes every 5 minutes.

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  5094 Hits

Security News - Wi-Fi Hotspot App Exposed Two Million records


The usage of self-managed mobile devices can leave you up the creek!

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) - Just Don't Do Anything With IT!

it's great isn't it. All your work email on your phone, and access to file storage etc. What about those other apps your colleagues use though? A BYOD policy at many workplaces is great for the business, it empowers and enables staff to be better integrated with the business, and saves the business a bit of money on tablets and mobiles. WIFI Finder aims to make life even easier by sharing Wi-Fi access between users.

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  5009 Hits

Business Networking - Is It Worth It?


Our Experience With Business Networking

Business networking comes in all shapes and sizes, and at a huge range of costs. We don't think that you have to spend the earth to get good results though, but you do have to have a strategy, and work hard to achieve it.

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  5318 Hits

Skype for Business Is Coming to An End


In the beginning there was Lync. Then we got Skype for Business (SfB), which is a nice product, much like Skype (personal edition) but far more fully featured. SfB integrates very well with Outlook for setting up meetings to collaborate with internal and external parties, even if they don’t have SfB themselves. Early in 2018 Microsoft released Teams, and now this newbie is taking over from SfB as the new video/audio conferencing tool for Office 365.

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  31391 Hits

Password Managers – Are They Safe?


A new study performed by ISE and funded by the Washington Post has found that many of the top Windows 10 password managers are vulnerable to malicious attacks. Popular apps such as Dashlane, KeePass, LastPass, RoboForm and 1Password have all been found to have weaknesses. The study has found that these apps are at risk of exposing passwords even in a (supposedly) secure "locked" mode. If you are using a browser app for your password manager, hackers may also be able to claim the master password for your entire database!

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  4902 Hits

Why businesses should switch to Bongo for IT support

As businesses grow and develop, failure with IT systems will inevitably occur and qualified assistance will be needed to fix the problems. Unfortunately, many IT support businesses are run by IT specialists who adopt a technical and/or quick fix approach which doesn’t help users to understand the core problems or provide a truly supportive service.


We believe that IT should be seen as a simple utility like water and electricity – inherently reliable and always ON, with added flexibility to grow and adapt as organisations change. At Bongo IT, we offer a set of core services through a simple menu-based approach, such as broadband, email, telephony and general IT support to name a few. We audit current requirements and provide a comprehensive IT Strategy Review, ensuring that customers clearly understand their requirements now and into the future, and only pay for the services they need.

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  5354 Hits

Why the ad-hoc approach eventually leads to IT issues

All SMEs and smaller charities rely on IT, but do not always have the time, skills or knowledge to fix problems when they occur, which can have a negative impact on business performance and productivity. Relying on external help, temporary fixes are often the solution, which doesn’t allow the organisation to understand the true underlying issues. This leads to the external IT team being perceived as a necessary (and often expensive) cost, without really understanding why, or being able to challenge the core problems.


We believe that IT should be seen as a simple utility like water and electricity – inherently reliable and always ON, with added flexibility to grow and adapt as organisations change. At Bongo IT, we offer a set of core services through a simple menu-based approach, such as broadband, email, telephony and general IT support to name a few. We audit current requirements and provide a comprehensive IT Strategy Review, ensuring that customers clearly understand their requirements now and into the future, and only pay for the services they need.

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  3950 Hits

Why so many people do NOT take a planned approach to IT

With single devices or small networks, it can be easy to set up additional devices, but this piecemeal approach can be dangerous as businesses grow. Over time, file integrity can be compromised and IT becomes unreliable, resulting in a negative impact on business performance and productivity. Relying on external help, users often don’t understand the core issues and don’t know what is being done to fix problems, or the longer-term impact.  This leads to the external IT team being perceived as a necessary (and often expensive) cost, without really understanding why, or knowing if they are providing value for money.


We believe that IT should be seen as a simple utility like water and electricity – inherently reliable and always ON, with added flexibility to grow and adapt as organisations change. At Bongo IT, we offer a set of core services through a simple menu-based approach, such as broadband, email, telephony and general IT support to name a few. We audit current requirements and provide a comprehensive IT Strategy Review, ensuring that customers clearly understand their requirements now and into the future, and only pay for the services they need.

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  3678 Hits

Key Issues for Organisations Without in House IT Expertise

All SMEs and smaller charities rely on technology for maintaining digital records and systems, but small businesses are unlikely to have ready access to in-house IT support to manage their requirements. As they don’t have the time or expertise to manage IT internally, they will look for external support, often being faced with complex and expensive answers that tie them into a contract, with no guarantee of reliability and often a need to spend even more!


We believe that IT should be seen as a simple utility like water and electricity – inherently reliable and always ON, with added flexibility to grow and adapt as organisations change. At Bongo IT, we offer a set of core services through a simple menu-based approach, such as broadband, email, telephony and general IT support to name a few. We audit current requirements and provide a comprehensive IT Strategy Review, ensuring that customers clearly understand their requirements now and into the future, and only pay for the services they need.

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  3560 Hits

How to Add or Remove Email Accounts For Apple Devices


Before you start using your new Office 365 account on you iPhone or iPad, you'll have to remove your old account, or it will automatically get logged in when you download Outlook.

To do this just follow the steps below:

  1.  Open the settings app
  2. Tap "Passwords & accounts" above mail. Some iPads/iPhones may have this named Mail/Mail, Contacts, Calendars or Accounts.
  3. You should have the list of accounts added to your device. Tap the email you wish to remove, and you will be shown more details.
  4. Then press the Delete Account button at the bottom of the page.
  5. Confirm this by pressing "Delete Account", or for some versions "Delete from my iPhone".
  6. Once you have done that, you can add your new Office account.
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  3781 Hits

New Year! - New Password? - I Don't Think So!


Happy New Year to all and to all, stop changing your passwords!

"What" I hear you say "actually stop changing my password often? But you have been telling us for.. years, many years that regular password changes make computers more secure"

Okay we admit it, we have been saying that but, times they are a changin. There are two aspects to this:

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  3640 Hits

What’s New in Window’s 10 - 1809


So here we are, waiting for Microsoft to iron out the bugs before we delve into the new exciting features Windows 10 brings to us. Here are those new features in an easily digestable format...

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  4922 Hits

The Latest Windows 10 update (1809) - Issues And Features

windowsupdate To Update Or Not To Update

Before going into detail about these bugs the first thing to know is the lifecycle and nomenclature of Windows 10 products. When we talk about updates, we use numbers to identify which one we are talking about, the “code” is a simple one.

Spring update “1803” means March 2018, “1809” is September 2018. You can check which “build” you have in the About section of Settings, under Windows Specifications, Version.

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  7415 Hits

Do I Need A Centralised System?


You have been running your business / charity / CIC on mostly free software and are getting by, so do you really need to invest in a "centralised system"?


Nb: centralised system in this context means a CRM or suite like Office 365 or G-Suite


Does this sound like you?

We run a small charity / business which has organically grown in size to 15 (or more) people. Staff / volunteers all work remotely, use their own computers, and email addresses, to do their work and send us data about our clients. We are worried about compliance with GDPR, and what we can do when we don't own the computers.

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  4704 Hits

Drive Encryption For Windows - Free Practical Security For GDPR


As you are probably aware, new laws under the general data protection regulation (or GDPR) are now in full force. In our previous blog we covered two-factor authentication (2FA), which is a great way to keep your online accounts safe from hacker, but what about your offline data? Probably the best way to prevent this is by using a sort of secure encryption for your device. Most mobile phones are now encrypted by default, so why not encrypt your laptop too?! This blog will show you the simplest way to configure Bitlocker for Windows 10 Pro devices.

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  4346 Hits

  • At Bongo IT, we know that technology is increasingly dominant and crucial to maintaining business performance and productivity.

    Organisations should make sure they are making the right IT decisions for their current needs, whilst also planning for the future with flexible and scalable solutions.

  • As a special offer, we are offering a FREE one hour consultation to address your current IT setup and recommend an effective strategy for your future requirements.

    Addressing issues such as computer hardware, broadband, data security, file sharing, compliance and more, we’ll help you build a plan and ensure you deploy the most cost-effective IT strategy for your company’s needs.